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Complaint / spare part

Do you have a complaint or need a spare part?

 If an item is damaged or defective or you need a spare part, please write to your sales representative (by post, fax, email or via our contact form in the portal).

 In order to process your request quickly, we need the following information from you:

1. Item number
2. Article and color designation
3. Batch number of the article (located on the care label)
4. Age of the item
5. Brief description of what exactly the defect / defect / spare part is.
6. If you have a complaint from an end user, please enclose the receipt.
7. You are also welcome to send a photo that shows the defect / defect. This makes it easier for us to process the complaint.

After receiving your request, your request will be processed as soon as possible. You will receive feedback from your sales representative within a few days.